Sherkin Island Marine Station


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Sherkin Island Marine Station

Marine Biology Quiz

How many of these questions can you answer?

at the bottom



If I studied Marine Biology, what kind of things would I learn about?



The sea cucumber is a brown or black slug-like animal that lives at the bottom of the sea, it has a really horrible way of protecting itself. Can you remember what that is?


This animal is the same shape as a tennis ball, but is covered with hundreds of small spines, it is called the . It does not have any legs but instead has many long which act like hoovers to stick onto things. These help the to stick onto the rocks.


There are many different kinds of this animal all around Ireland, some have names like: Feather , Common , Seven-legged , Cushion or Purple . They usually have five legs, but there are a few who have 7, 10, or even those that live in warmer waters that have 40 legs!

Can you remember their name? Here’s a clue - look up at the sky at night.....what can you see?


If this animal gets into a fight with a crab and loses a leg, what might happen?


How many legs does the octopus have?



If something frightens the octopus what might he do? Here’s a clue; you find something like it in your pens!


Does the octopus have any bones?



If you were able to answer that last question then you will be able to tell me if his body is hard or soft!


This funny shaped thing looks like a tree or a mushroom but in fact it is a sea anemone. Is a sea anemone a plant or an animal?
It has many long ‘arms’, but they are not called ‘arms’ though, they are called .
It uses these to catch its food.


How many feet does the sea anemone have?


Would this animal move faster or slower than a snail?


When the sea anemone hides its inside its body what would it remind you of?



Sometimes people get mixed up between the lobster and the crayfish because they look alike and you can eat them both. I’m sure you won’t have any problem telling me which is which!


  a. This animal is blue but will turn red when cooked. You can eat this animal. It has two very large claws or pinchers.

 b. This animal is orange. You can eat this animal. It has two small claws.





If you picked up a lobster or crayfish out of the water it would be very angry. It would start moving a part of its body very quickly. What would that be?


Crabs have many legs but which in which direction do they crawls?



 Is the skeleton of the crab, lobster and crayfish inside or outside of the body?



There is a very special little crab who has a small little body and because of this it must hide itself from bigger animals who might eat it. It hides its body in an empty shell. This animal is called the . If he gets too big for the shell he must find a new to move into.



What might you hear if you put this empty shell up to your ear?



Could you tell me what the animal is called that floats around in the water and uses its long tentacles to sting? Sometimes you might find it on the beach after the sea washed it up. Some are purple or blue and others are brown.




The first little fish I will ask you about is one which is very flat and lies on the sand. It can cover itself with sand to hide. Can you name it? Here’s a clue. It has orange spots on its body.




Can you eat this fish?



Many fish living in the sea use the colours of their bodies to hide themselves. What do you call this?


The ‘Two-spotted Goby’ is a tiny little fish that scares bigger fish because they think that the two spots on his body are . The bigger fish swims away thinking that this small little fish is a monster!



What eats what? Match up the names of these animals with what they eat.

1. Mussel

2. Starfish

3. Seagull

4. Anemone


How do these animals move? Match up the animals with the way they move.

1. Seagull

2. Crab

3. Jellyfish

4. Seaslug

5. Goby







Which is the odd one out and why?





a. lobster

b. crab



c. starfish

d. hermit crab




Where do these animals live or hide?




a. Flatfish

1. Shell




b. Sea Anemone

2. Seaweed




c. Hermit Crab

3. Sand




d. Fish

4. Rock




© Sherkin Island Marine Station 2006