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A World of Beauty

Edited by Matt Murphy & Susan Murphy

Photographs from the book


Ireland's Bird Life - A World of Beauty contains photographs from the vast collection of Richard Mills, who is recognised as one of Europe's finest natural history photographers. They will show the great talent of a man who is a craftsman with his camera.

Richard is a professional photographer with "The Examiner", one of Ireland's national newspapers, since 1968. He has had various photographs published in major books, magazines, newspapers and journals and has received many awards for his work. These include the IWC/McSweeney cup for the Irish Bird Photographer of the year for 1988/89/90.

This book is not for the expert birdwatcher or photographer and is by no means a complete guide to Irish birds. It is for the many hundreds of thousands who, like us, know little or nothing about these wonderful creatures. It is hoped that the book will encourage many to take up birdwatching as a hobby.

This is book is a companion to Ireland's Marine Life. A World of Beauty, which was greatly admired and acclaimed for its superb quality.

ISBN: 1 870492 80 3 (size 8" x 12" - 160 pages)


Softback - €14.00



© Sherkin Island Marine Station 2016