available for download!

Comment is a 32-page colour newspaper a publication
of Sherkin Island Marine Station aiming to promote
the awareness of our natural resources, their use and protection.
It has a 20,500 print.
The most recent issue to date is No. 66.
Matt Murphy
and layout: Susan Murphy Wickens
issues can now be downloaded.
See link under each image below.
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 66

pdf - No. 66 (7
"We all have a part to play"
Enjoying a Wild Harvest
The Galloping Disappearance of Wild Species
Citizen Scientists - The contribution of recreational anglers
to Irish fisheries research
Plastic Packaging - A resource gone rogue
Ethnoveterinary Medicine - Can you help?
Eco Echoes: Plumbing the Depths of a Heavy Metal
River Barriers
Lessons to learn from Pristine Palau
The Fern-Flora of Ireland
Greater Spotted Dogfish Scyliorhinus stellaris (L.) in Irish
Malaysia's Mount Korbu Scientific Expedition
Cetaceans in the Farne Deeps
Magic and Medicine - Women and the history of healing plants
in Ireland
The Natural History Museum - An essential key to understanding
Ireland's biodiversity
Managed Realignment in the UK
EPA report on Urban Waste Water Treatment in 2018
Publications of Interest
Black John the Bogus Pirate by John Joyce
Stay Water Safe on Farms
Sea Cliffs
Sherkin Island Marine Station Competition 2019
An Insect Hotel
Consequence of Global Climate Change
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 65

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The highs and lows of island weather
Copper Mining on the Beara Peninsula
Travelling on the Trans-Siberian Railway
Allotment Life
Seed Savers: Saving Seeds for Ireland
Clean Water is Vital to Your Health - Your Septic Tank May
Pose a Threat
Eco Echoes: Quicksilver and the Madness of the Hatters
"The Ferry Woman"
Northumberland's Druridge Bay - Where Industry has Yielded
to the Birds
Met Éireann's Climate Annual 2017
Salmon - who cares?
The Native Status of Scots Pine and Other Trees
Transforming biodiversity data - The work of the National
Biodiversity Data Centre
Ireland's Biodiversity - Photography by Robbie Murphy
Lesser Spotted Dogfish - Scyliorhinus canicula (L.)
in Irish Waters
Not Lost, Just Moving - Our Changing Coastlines
Ireland's Streams, Rivers and Lakes: a world of wonder and
discovery awaits!
Ballincollig Regional Park - A Conservation Site for Wildflowers
in Co Cork
Sea Birds & Plastics on the North Sea Coast
Forestry Statistics - Ireland 2017
Publications of Interest
Heritage Castles of County Cork
Junior Pages: Black John the Bogus Pirate
Lifejackets & Personal Flotation Devices
Environmental Competition for Primary School Children in Munster
Weather Wise Boardgame
A to Z of Meteorology
Pacific Salmon Population Stories
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 64

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Documenting Everyday Life
Salaj County - Off the beaten track in N.W. Romania
Looking to the Sea as an Alternative Energy Source
Dedicated to Protecting Our Water Courses
A Shad Story - Alosa in Irish Waters
Toadflax: The Genus Linaria
Windswept Islands of the North Atlantic
In Defense of Scholarly Publications
Cryptosporidium in Ireland
The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we
live on the land
Ireland's Flora in a Matchbox?
The Silver Eel
Review of the Aquaculture Licensing Process
George Victor Du Noyer (1817-1869)
FOXES - A Photographic Study
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
A Life in the Trees
Heritage Centenary Sites of Rebel County Cork
Beaumont Quarry Project
Eco Echoes - PCBs: They Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
Powering the Future
Publications of Interest
Black John the Bogus Pirate by John Joyce
Sherkin Island Marine Station Competition 2017
The Wildlife Race Game & Nature Puzzles
How Much Do You Know About Sea Life?
Sea Life Search
Chesapeake Bay Report Card
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 63

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Custodians of the environment
The Northern Lapwing, Vanellus vanellus
Praeger's Purple Line
Island of Ireland Precipitation Series 1850-2010
The Miniature World of Lichens
Will the Parish Agreement survive the Age of Trump?
The Smaller Islands of Roaringwater Bay
New Era at the Marine Institute Newport Research Facility
Beloniform Fishes
Eco Echoes: Asbestos - The Miraculous but Deadly Mineral
In Search of Quality
Cork County Council Environmental Awareness & Research
Fifty Years of Heritage Interpretation at Muckross House,
GWFlood - Groundwater flood monitoring, mapping and modelling
Restore and Protect Water Quality
Wild & Cultivated Mints - The Genus Mentha
Springtime on the Farne Islands
Mud, Birds & Poppycock
Publications of Interest
Black John the Bogus Pirate by John Joyce
Ireland's National Parks
Safety on the Water Game
Irish Water Safety - Inland Waterways
Youth Angling
The Pygmy Shrew
Fisheries & Climate Change - The Evidence
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 62

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Still a Visionary at 97
Black-Headed Gull
Slowing Climate Change by Degrees?
Eco Echoes: When Cleaning Makes Things Worse
Beryciform Fishes in the NE Atlantic
The Flora of Spanish Island
Pike & Trout in harmony on Lough Ree
A Dream Come True - Harnessing the Power of Water
The River Suir Catchment
Coastal Rainforest of the Tasman Peninsula
Rachel Carson and the Birth of Environmental Consciousness
The Wild Roses of Ireland & Britain
Suburban Moth Trapping
The Praeger Survey of Lambay
GPO Witness History
Geology in 3D - Revealing the Structures Beneath our Feet
Climate News Network
Publications of Interest
Black John the Bogus Pirate by John Joyce
Hook Lighthouse
Gaisce - the President's Award
Environmental Competition for Primary School Children in Munster
Ocean Mining
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 61

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The Plague of Marine Debris
The Northern Pintail - An Elegant Duck
Herring Hogs, Orcs, Pillicks and Turleyhides
The role of nature study in Pearse's vision for education
COP21: the Paris Climate Summit
The Wild Violet Species of Ireland
Cork City Council Landfill Gas
Changing Ocean Conditions Affect Quality of Prey for Atlantic
Salmon and Other Species
Cork County Council Environmental Awareness Strategy 2016-2020
Looking at Antibiotic Resistance Through the Lens of Biodiversity
Out on the Open Ocean
Nature conservation and rural development
Polynesia - An Ocean Realm
Sampling Fish for the Water Framework Directive
Eco Echoes: The Environmental Legacy of the First Generation
of Glow-in-the-Dark Watch Dials
Black Sea-Bream in Irish Waters
Into the Noosa Everglades
Whales, Helicopters and a Quad Bike
Sun's lifeline for remote Indian hospitals
Publications of Interest
Heritage Churches of County Cork
Black John the Bogus Pirate by John Joyce
Flotsam & Jetsam
West Cork Islands
Island Hopping
Gaisce - the President's Award
Wild Blooms
Recycling Stories from the US
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 60

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Waste Not Want Not
Oystercatchers - The Pipers of the Shore
Zoological Specimens from the Challenger Expedition 1872-1876
The Wild Plants of Baltimore, West Cork
Dredging Around Ireland
Resurrecting the Hudson River
Kangaroo Island
An Bord Pleanála Annual Report 2014
Why I became a marine biologist
On the Care of our Common Home
Met Éireann's Voluntary Observers
Catchment Management and Water Framework Directive Implementation
Gilthead Sea-Bream in Irish Waters
A Celebration of Irish Thatch
Wildflowers of the North Cork Limestone River-Valleys
Nature in Irish Stamps
Recreational angling supports jobs in rural areas
Green Dog Walkers - Paw Pledge
Geoscience Ireland
Invasive Aliens - a problem of hype or a real concern?
Publications of Interest
Black John the Bogus Pirate by John Joyce
Environmental Competition for Primary School Children in Munster
Making Changes
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Puzzle
Gaisce - the President's Award
ReCreate - Creativity through Reuse
The Pollution Story Continues
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 59

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Preserving Our Past for the Future
The Cry of the Curlew
Research into the origins of the woody plant flora of Ireland
40 Years of Sherkin Island Marine Station
The Pros and Cons of Wind Power
How to Choose a Career Path Using the Concept of Random Events
A Life Lived - Daphne Pochin Mould
Eco Echoes - The Environmental Legacy of the Gaslight Era
Predicting the unknown from the unknown
EPA Publishes Focus on Urban Waste Water Treatment in report
Lyme Bay: Six Years On
Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority highlights adverse affects
of declawing Irish brown Crab
Cork's Lough Wildfowl Society
The Lough - Cork City
Tellus - GSI's major regional geological survey
Wildlife of the Suffolk Coast
The Flora of Cork City - A Personal Perspective
Groupers in NE Atlantic & Mediterranean Waters
EPA Drinking Water Report
Henry Williamson - Novelist, nature writer and conservationist
Publications of Interest
Captain Cockle with John Joyce
Shore Watch Worksheet
Sea Life & Camouflage Quiz
Gaisce - the President's Award
Steps to Safe and Enjoyable Boating
Sand, rarer than you think
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 58

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Memories Frozen in Time
Sanderlings - The Duracell "Sea Mice"
Carbon Monoxide - The Silent Killer
Atlantic Salmon - Lost at Sea
But how 'nigh' is 'nigh'?
Ceratioid Anglerfishes in Irish Waters
Eco Echoes - The Environmental Legacy of the War in Vietnam
Máirín de Valéra - An Appreciation
Institutional investors demand cleaner policies on climate
Conserving Our Eel Stocks
Chincha Islands Guano to Cork
Preserving a Rare Habitat
Strawberries - Wild & Cultivated
Greater Risk of Illness If You Drink Contaminated Water From
Private Wells
Seabirds off the South West Coast of Ireland
Atlas of Cork City
Reginald Scully - Chronicler of Kerry's wild plants
Ice loss sends Alaskan temperatures soaring
Assessing Environmental Information
Outlook palls for fossil fuel investments
Ireland's Generous Nature - Celebrating our Wild Plant Resources
Publications of Interest
Environmental Competition for Primary School Children in Munster
Captain Cockle with John Joyce
The Robin
How much do you know about birds?
Gaisce - the President's Award
From An A to Z of Geology to An Gheolaíocht Ó
Bhun go Barr
Impact of climate change on aquatic contamination
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 57

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The Value of Our Drinking Water
The Little Egret
Greening the Lavender Lake
Wetlands in Ireland
Food waste offers unforeseen benefits
The Rock Art of West Cork
Loophead and its Natural Charms Discovered!
Integrated Catchment Management
Birdwatching on Portugal's Castro Verde Steppes
Can marine ecosystems be re-balanced while fish go with chips?
More Island Life and Lore - An Island Going
What's in a Collection?
An Expectation of Climate Scientists
A Viking House and Garden at Glasnevin
Mapping the Seabed of Roaringwater Bay
Dissecting Donegal
The Status of Bass in Ireland
Sturgeons in Irish & NW European Waters
Publications of Interest
Salmon, People and Place
Captain Cockle with John Joyce
How much do you know about flowers?
Gaisce - the President's Award & Brú Youth Service
Stamp Collecting
Giving Rivers Back to Nature
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 56

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Getting Back to Basics
Ireland's Birds - Lost and Gained
Sherkin Island - A Local History
Plants and Old Castles
Coming Together for Henry Ford's 150th Birthday
Sunfishes in Irish & North-East Atlantic Waters
Oscar Merne - A Personal Story
The Irish Group Water Scheme Sector
Wetlands of Portugal's Alentejo Coast
The Environmental Protection Agency's New Air Quality Index
for Health
NGOs and the "American Rule"
Mask, snorkel and fins = adventure!
Angling for Beginners
Rewarding encounters with polar bears in high latitudes circumstances.
Our Crowded Skies
Discovering Different Aspects of Reality
Rural areas as engines of economic growth
Glengowla Mines
Publications of Interest
The Grey Wolf (Canis lupus) in Ireland
JUNIOR PAGES: Captain Cockle
Ringing Birds from Birdwatch Ireland
Environmental Competition for Primary School Children in Munster
Native & Non-native Species
Gaisce is in Business
The Great Journey South
Understanding Our Oceans
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 55

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Fulfilling a Dream
Dublin Port Terns: Predation by Alien Species
A Lifetime of News
Ballycroy National Park
The Wild Plants of Bere, Dursey, Whiddy and other Islands
in Bantry Bay
Capsize at 75o North
The Cork Folklore Project
Jersey's Coastal Wilderness
The Crowded Highway of Ireland's Skies
Indium - Metal of Modern Communications
Thoughts on the Future for the Irish Fishing Sector
Conservation Through Innovation
Inniscarra - a coarse angling paradise
Noel Hackett - the Visionary
Lumpfishes in the Irish & North Atlantic Waters
Cleaning the Hudson River
The Issue of Septic Tanks - Are we achieving progress at last?
?What is Life?
Publications of Interest
The Flora of County Fermanagh
Captain Cockle - Life in inner space ... and inner space.
Birds & Weather from Birdwatch Ireland
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
A Race to Reuse & Recycle
A lesson in food and self-sufficiency
Stay Safe on the Surf with Irish Water Safety
Ocean Warming & Fish Stocks
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 54

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The Bottled Water Dilemma
Return to Turnstones
Into Tasmania's Gordon River Wilderness
Port of Cork & the Environment
Addressing the Licensing of Aquaculture Sites in Ireland
The International Gardeners
Who Needs NGOs?
A Slice of Nature Preserved in the Metropolis
BSc Botany has been discontinued in the UK
Lampriforme Fishes in Irish, NE Atlantic & Mediterranean
Roaringwater Bay's Smaller Islands
Ireland's newest renewable energy source
Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, USA
Cleaning up the Mess We Made
Mitigating the Threats Posed by Aquatic Invasive Species
Lake Monitoring & Water Quality
Cork County Council's Environmental Awareness Strategy
Sustainable Rural Development
Publications of Interest
For the Safety of All
Captain Cockle's Log
Birds & Weather
Mushrooms & Fungi
Environmental Competition for Primary School Children in Munster
Gaisce - the President's Award Continues to Thrive
Colour In
Coastal Storm Surprises
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 53

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We Must Grab the Opportunity
Greylag Geese in Ireland
Out in Africa
The Changing Face of Waste Management in Ireland - A Good
News Story
A Field Trip to Ecuador
An appreciation of the botanist, Maura Scannell
An Indian Cradling in Wiltshire
Estuarine and Coastal Water Monitoring
Does the environment suffer in a recession?
An Unusual Catch - RockHopper Fishermen's Stoves, County Kerry
Mackerels, Bonitos & Tunas
Daintree - the World's Oldest Rainforest (centre pages)
Waking up to the Potential of Aquaculture
A Look at Long Island
A Cat and Mouse Game
Surveying the Spiders on Sherkin Island
Cleaning up the Mess We Made (Part 2)
Publications of Interest
Supplement to The Wild Plants of Sherkin, Cape Clear and adjacent
Islands of West Cork
Life is Just a Bag of Chemicals (Junior pages)
Drawing Maps of Bird Activity in your School
Butterfly Search
Caterpillars and Butterflies Boardgame
Gaisce - the President's Award
Welcome Home - Baltimore RNLI's new Tamar class lifeboat Alan
Massey arrives home to a huge welcome
Dredging and Seasonal Constraints in the US
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 52

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Guardians of Our Lands
Mediterranean Gulls
Wood Ships and Iron Men
The Beetles of Sherkin Island & Roaringwater Bay
The Global Shark Fin Trade
Lough Hyne
Dwarf Minke Whales
West Cork, a hotspot for rare Irish plants
Cleaning up the mess we made
Fishing Salmon Sustainably
Russian Leather from a Watery Grave
Planning & Environmental Law in Ireland
Supporting Conservation in the Amazon
Rabbitfishes, Chimaeras & Ratfishes
Sheep-eating plants
STOP Food Waste Campaign
My Life as a Geologist
If not Now, When?
Life in a Russian Lake
Publications of Interest
New species of Fucus honours Michael Guiry
Arklow Coastcare's Annual Exhibition of Photos
Captain Cockle
Make a Bird Hide in the Classroom or at Home
Rockpool Chase
Environmental Competition for Primary School Children in Munster
Gaisce - The President's Award
Sustaining the Past
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 51

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The Skype Generation
Copeland Bird Observatory
Meet Me in St. Louis
Hannah Hauxwell's Legacy
Business Development in Inland Fisheries Ireland
Greening the Built Environment
The Antipodes Islands & their Albatross
Promoting Duhallow's Local River
Ireland's Wild Flowers Magnificently Revealed
An Afternoon on High Island (Ardoilean)
City of Ships
Groundwater Quality in Ireland 2007-2009
Ireland's Hidden Depths
World Class Facility in Ireland
Redfishes & Rockfishees in Irish & European Atlantic
Beware - Landgrabbers at Work
Control of Hottentot Fig on Howth Head
Marine Fisheries - Tested to Destruction
Torsc Teo Ireland's First Cod Farm
Publications of Interest
West Cork - A Place Apart
Captain Cockle
Learning Birdsong with BirdWatch Ireland!
The Lifeboat Crew
Lifeboat Wordsearch
Gaisce - The President's Award
Test Quiz
Fish, Tyres and the Environment
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 50

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Shifting the Focus
Advances in Marking Birds for Migration Studies
Ending with a Whimper
Greening the Built Environment
Wildwood Plan for Carrifran
What price trawling the seabed?
Improved Governance of Marine Fisheries Can Recover Up to
$50 Billion Annually
To the Edge of the Southern Ocean - Tasmania
A Quilt of Environmental Protection
Bantry Bay's First Lady of Botany
Extracting Water from Lakes and Rivers and it effects on their
Exploring the Marine Environment
Groundwater - All shaken up by earthquakes!
A Challenge for a Small Town
Conserving Irish Plant Wealth
The Northern Cousins
Electric Rays in Irish & North-west European Waters
The Burrenbeo Trust
Publications of Interest
Is Short-term Monitoring Sufficient?
Captain Cockle
Making Bird Feeders & An Eye For Colour
Geological Map of Ireland
Water Conservation Worksheet
25-Year Celebrations of Gaisce the President's Award
Colour Me - Compass Jellyfish
Mississippi River Invasive Species
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 49

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Looking after the planet
The Antarctic Peninsula
Climate Change: What Now?
Greening the Built Environment
Frills & Gills
Irish Lights - Two Centuries of Service 1810 to 2010
Kilmacurragh Arboretum
The Role of An Taisce
Cocos (Keeling) - Paradise Found
Floods and Fishes
Focus on Environmental Enforcements in Ireland
Birds of the Irish Coastline
The New EPA Code of Practice for On-Site Wastewater Treatment
& Disposal Systems
Revealing Cork's Rich Heritage of Wild Flowers
What can be learned from recent flooding events?
Birdlife on the Scottish Solway Coast
Recycling of Waste Fishing Nets
Publications of Interest
Irish Seaweed Kitchen
Captain Cockle
Dawn Chorus
Beetles - Puzzle pages
Lifetime Lab in Cork City
25 years of Gaisce - The President's Awards
Nature's Web - check it out online
The Cost of Environmental Protection
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 48

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Putting a Spotlight on Marine Affairs
The Drake Passage
Reform of Planning Service Recommended
Greening the Built Environment
Pipefishes & Seahorses in Irish & European Waters
Darwin's Real Gift to Science
Hay Meadow Restoration in the North Pennines
This Island Nation
Protection of Water Resources from Livestock
New EU Organic Aquaculture Rules
Ancient Cursing Stones of Inishmurray, Co. Sligo
Seafood Sector
Aride Island - The Seychelles
Life on Aride Island
Environmental Issues Around the World
Chesapeake Bay - Thirty Years On & Still Dying
Neantog - Universal Provider
The Main Guard - Clonmel
Control of Aquatic Invasive Species
Through an Exile's Eyes
Publications of Interest
A Field Guide to the Marine Fishes of Wales and Adjacent Water
Captain Cockle
Grubs Up!
What Am I?
Discovering Ireland's Rocks and Fossils
Gaisce - The President's Awards
National Launch of
Arklow's Beautiful Beach & Coastcare Volunteers
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 47

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Protecting the Soil
Antarctica - The Last Continent
History Around You
Brown Trout in Ireland
Castle & Horse Islands
Groundwater in Ireland - The Current Situation
Wrasse in Irish & North-Eastern Atlantic Waters
Godology - The Great Cod Fishery
Galápagos Islands
Fishermen and Scientists Research Society
The Return of the Sea Eagle
Desperate Times But Don't Despair
Realising a dream of an East Coast Nature Reserve
Ignorance in "Paradise" - A letter from Norway
Birds of East Anglia's Waterland
A Greener Cleaner
Polite Literature, Antiquities & Science: The Royal Irish
Publications of Interest
Waterford now has its own County Flora
Captain Cockle
Two Success Stories from BirdWatch Ireland
An A to Z of Geology
Puzzle Page
An Gaisce - The President's Award
The RNLI Fleet
Seafood and the Global Sector
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 46

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Ireland's Hidden Jewel
Waterbirds of the Senegal River Delta
Biodiversity offsets - the way forward?
Auld Reekie and the Lady Isabella
Moreton Bay Marine Park
Smooth-Hounds in Irish & Northern European Waters
Hidden benefits of aquaculture in the US
Tree Planting
New roles for a historic garden
Why worry about nuclear power?
The Skeams
How I became a Marine Botanist
Irish and British Gobies
True Love?
A Moral Dilemma - Food Versus Biofuel
Ireland's National Library
Green House Programme
Pollution's Long Commute
Sampling fish for the Water Framework Directive
Publications of Interest
West Kerry's BirdWatch Ireland Branch
Captain Cockle
The Great Snail Race
Sherkin Island Marine Station
Puzzle Page
Gaisce - The President's Award
A Greener Focus on Youth
Rhubarb & other poisons
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 45

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What is the future for Ireland's aquaculture industry?
Coastal Birds in West Africa
A Spotlight on World Environmental Matters
Clare Island Survey
The UK's National Trust
ENVision brings maps to EPA website
Pomfrets in Irish and Northern European Waters
Food for Thought
A Beginner's Guide to Ireland's Wild Flowers
The Calf Islands
A True Pioneer
Rural Settlement in Medieval Ireland
Cruising Antarctica
A Slow Approach
Maderia - Portugal's Wild Atlantic Garden
A Nature Trip with a Difference
A Real Insight into CFB Research
Publications of Interest
From Botany Bay to Glasnevin
Captain Cockle
Reedbed Singers
The Sandy Shore
Staying Afloat
Dr Patrick Hillery
A Picture to Colour In
Is Biodiversity a Good Assessment Tool?
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 44

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The Need for Cawley II
The Skerries Islands
A Spotlight on World Environmental Matters
Celtic Copper Heritage Project
Join the Hunt for Mermaids' Purses!
Still Too Much Waste Going to Landfill
Looking Back into the Future of Climate Change
The Golden Years of Fish Farming
2008 International Year of Planet Earth
The Last Voyage North
The Great Stone Castles by the Anglo-Normans
Ireland's Precious Wetland Flowers
Memories of Summer
Shark Attack in Irish Waters?
The Cork Coat of Arms
Rehab - Recycling for the Future
The Wildlife Trust in the UK
Is there a place for our natural heritage in 21st Century
Publications of Interest
The man who thanked God for the furze
Captain Cockle's Log
Winter Visitors
Sherkin Island Marine Station Competition
Mermaid's Purse Puzzle Page
Gaisce Gold Volunteers Work in Kenya
BIM Fish Recipe
The Gulf of Mexico/Mississippi River Dead Zone
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 43

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"A New Beginning for the Seafood Industry?"
Seabirds Down Under - Part III
Air Pollution - Threat to our Built Heritage
"Them canoes is dangerous"
Gibraltar's Haven for Nature
The Forest School
In House Enforcement of Environmental Regulations - An Industrial
Carangidae in Irish & Northern European Waters
Bryozoans - Notable inhabitants of Irish coastal waters
Steering a New Course
2005 - An Bord Pleanála's busiest year ever
Dry Stone Walls: Ireland's Heritage
A Spotlight on World Environmental Matters
Urban Waste Water Discharges in Ireland
The Fox
Jewels in the Mud
Wild Melbourne
Publications of Interest
Captain Cockle
Summer Migrants
"Trout in the Classroom"
Puzzle Page
Gaisce - The President's Awards in Third Level Education
Why support the RNLI - the facts
Buddy, can you spare a glass of water?
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 42

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"A Water Meter for Every House"
Seabirds Down Under Part II
Phosphorus - The Bringer of Light
Bat Fauna of Sherkin Island
Channels & Challenges - The enhancement of salmonid rivers
Going for Gold at Nature's Expense
Environmental Enforcement in Practice
Monks of Scelig Michil
The Black Death in Ballincollig
The Demise of the Irish Field Naturalist
Stingrays (Order: Myliobatiformes)in Irish Waters
New Zealand's Cool Waters
A Spotlight on World Environmental Matters
Can Environmental Assessments & Environmental Impact Statements
be effective tools for managing our environment?
Moonrise over Kakadu
Moths of Sherkin Island
Restoring the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary
Publications of Interest
Captain Cockle
Wrens & Dunnocks
Common Insects
Insect Puzzle Page
One Man's Belief in the Young People of Ireland
Sherkin Island Marine Station Environmental Competition 2006
Environmental Award 2005
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 41

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"Deepnet" Survey Makes Stark Findings
Seabirds Down Under
Platinum Group Metals
Angelshark (Squatina squatina) in Irish Waters
A Sea Salted Tongue
Met Eireann's Voluntary Observers
Lundy - Another Special Island
A Spotlight on World Environmental Matters
"I Was There" & "On the Road to Cork"
Natural History of Sherkin Mud
Natural History Museum Dublin
EPA Report Highlights 2005
Facing the Camera
Canada's Maritimes Fishery: Here for Tomorrow
A "Green" Solution for Car Parks
Greener Living Month by Month
The Importance of Long-term Monitoring
A Geological Treasure Trove
Publications of Interest
Conserving a Special Landscape in Russia's White Sea
Captain Cockle
Garden Birds
Listening to Trees
Puzzle Page
"Donegal Here I Come!"
Colour-In Action from the RNLI
Moms Matter in the Briny Deep
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 40

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Management of Ireland's Wild Salmon
The Rise and Rise of the Gannet
Problems Facing Copenhagen from Transport Pollution
Providing Clean Water for Dublin Bay
Birds of the Farne Islands
Backyard Burning
A Spotlight on World Environmental Matters
Sea Turtles
On-site Treatment of Waste Water
Thresher Shark (Alopias vulpinus) in Irish Waters
The Wind Ships
New Developments and Flooding Risks
Nigali - Passage to Nirvana
Thirty-five Years of Pollution Control in America
Breeding Birds in Roaringwater Bay, 2005
Aquatic Bugs of Sherkin Island
Back to Saxon Transylvania
Silicon - From Flint Axe to the Space Age
Publications of Interest
Oileáin - A Guide to the Irish Islands
Captain Cockle
East Coast Nature Reserve
Nature's Web/Taste of the Sea Stir-Fry
Puzzle Page
Damien Walks for Gold
Sherkin Island Marine Station Environmental Competition 2005
Listening for Answers
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 39

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An Independent Review is Essential
Golden Plovers
Irish Eyes on Nature
There's more to reed than meets the eye
The Fire Mountains of Lanzarote
Faroe: The Unknown Islands
A Spotlight on World Environmental Matters
Litter Action & Local Image
The Fishing Industry must change
Fisheries & Hydroelectric Schemes
Air Pollution: Asking the Questions
Chairperson of An Bord Pleanála strongly defends the
Board's independence
A trip of a lifetime to the South Atlantic
Mapping & Monitoring the Environment
Origins of the Acid Rain Problem in North America and its
Effects on Aquatic Ecosystems
Gurnards (Triglidae) in Irish and European Atlantic Seas
Utilising manure and slurry while protecting human health
Danes see light at end of Irish waste tunnel
Publications of Interest
The Ten Steps of Catching Specimen Fish
Captain Cockle's Log
Snappy Puzzle
Nature Activities
Gold President Awards 2005
Storm Force/RNLI & BIM Recipe
Trusting Science
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 38

pdf - No. 38 (2.2
Marine Research - A Need to Listen
Manx Shearwaters
Griffith Evans - A Little-known Pioneer
Market Trends Affecting the US Recycling and Papermaking Industry
Weather Station at Sherkin Island
Rainwater Harvesting
Dead Zones
Public Action for Sustainability
Island of the Saints - Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve
Hard Rock in West Cork
The Water Framework Directive - Ireland on Schedule
A Spotlight on World Environmental Matters
Cuskinny Marsh Nature Reserve
Views of the EPA Director General
Flags - Green, White and Blue
Henry Chichester Hart (1847-1908), botanist and polymath
Sherkin Island Marine Station News
Publications of Interest
Dories (Pisces: Zeidae) in Irish & NW European Seas
Junior Pages
Sherkin Island Marine Station Environmental Award 2003
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 37

pdf - No. 37 (2.2
Improving Our Environment
Seabird 2000
Ecological Engineering and the Restoration of Lakes
Malta's Hidden Floral Richness
Coastal Sensitivity Mapping
The Come Back Pony
More Dust Collectors?
Opening the Restored Palm House
Calcium - Element of Construction
Below the Kelp Forests of Lewis - The Outer Hebridean Isle
The Wild Salmon Crisis
Key Issues in Planning and Environmental Law
Nature in Your Own Garden
Planning in the Uplands
Cars Wear Out - Water Runs Down Hill
Carlow, Clare & Sligo Lead the Way - County Geological
Sherkin Island Marine Station News
Louvar (Luvarus imperialis) in Irish & NW European Waters
Office of Environmental Enforcement
Publications of Interest
The Water Crisis in the Kibera Slum
Junior Pages
Water Pollution
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 36

pdf - No. 36 (2.2
A Pastime for Life
Little Brosna Callows
Essential Poisons
Crystal Jellies - Animal models in glass by Leopold and Rudolf
Landslides in Ireland, a soft problems?
Lead and other heavy metals in the Tynagh Mines area, County
Beware the Alien Invader along your Watercourse
Seafood Availability
Botanical Relics of an Older Community Life
Learning to Read Nature
Oil Pollution and Seabirds
In Steam and On the Move
The Flow Country of Scotland
Underwater Photography
Biological Diversity
The Relevance of the Walkerton Pollution Incident (2000) to
A Lesson in Environmental Education from India
Fish Farmers go Green with ECOPACT
Mushroom Stones of Ireland
Publications of Interest
Wolf-fishes in Irish Waters
Junior Pages
Irish Specimen Fish
Index of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 35

pdf - No. 35 (1.8
A Major Investment in Wastewater Infrastructure
Herring Gulls - Their Rise and Fall
Elements of Medicine
Pipeline Installation in Aquatic Settings
The Search for Red Blenny - Climatic Change or Insufficient
Highlights from An Bord Pleanála's Annual Report
Two Sides to Every Flatfish
Oleg Polunin and Sherkin Island
Litter and the Law
Do Plants Make Good Mothers?
Development & Heritage Protection - A Balanced Approach
The Ecology of the Rocky Shores of Sherkin Island - A Twenty-Year
Waste Management in Ireland
Bloomeries & Cornish Chimneys - Industrial West Cork and
Nature on Irish Canals
Publications of Interest
Conservation and Education in Churchyards
Junior Pages
Sherkin Island Marine Station Environmental Competition
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 34

pdf - No. 34 (2.1
Reducing Water Wastage
Keeping Our Coastline Clean
Blue Skies, White Clouds and Red Sunsets
Recycling Anything with a Plug or Battery
Environmental Response to the 9/11 Attack on the World Trade
A Recycling Success Story
Greenland White-Fronted Geese - A Cause for Concern
Inefficient Fishing and Bycatch
Butterflies & Moths in the Garden
Publications of Interest
Let Nature Guide Man and Create a New Civilization for Mankind
The World's Only Herring Museum
Centre Pages: Swimming in the Surf
The Problems Facing the Management of Deepwater Fish Stocks
Can we protect our remaining pristine waters?
Jerome Collins - Cork's Arctic Hero
Mediterranean Moray Eel in Irish Waters
A Research Worker in the Antarctic
Adding Value to Green Business
Cornwall's Offshore Paradise
Junior Pages
Sherkin Island Marine Station Environmental Award 2002
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 33

pdf - No. 33 (2.7
Dioxin Emissions from the Burning of Household Waste
Birds of the North Wicklow Coastal Marshes
Greening the urban landscape
Sacrificial Beach Nourishment
Time to change - The Future of Fisheries Management
Geological Mapping: Ireland's 19th C Field Geologists
Flowers of Ireland
The Deconstructionists
The Race to the Destruction of the Marine Fisheries
- The Argentine Case
Wembury Voluntary Marine Conservation Area
Implications of Use of On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems
for Houses in Unsewered Areas
Forests in the Sea - The Fascination of Mangroves
Impact of Habitat Degradation on Fish Stocks
Environment in Focus 2002
After Thoughts by an American Regulator
Publications of Interest
Monks Take On A New Habit
Teesmouth National Nature Reserve - Industry and Nature in
Captain Cockle and The Pond
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Spider, Spider Puzzle Page
Fieldfare and Bird Care Recipes
Irish Fish Stew or Chowder from BIM
Environmental Competition for Primary School Children in Munster
The President's Awards - A Challenge to Young People
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 32

pdf - No. 32 (2.5
"Difficult Choices on Whales"
An Awesome Journey - Spring Migration of Brent Geese
Puffer Fish in Irish Waters
New EPA Environmental Impact Guidelines
The Largest Sand Castle in the World
Catching Sand
Ireland's Last Outpost
Why Conservation? - The Religious Dimension
The Limitless City.
Swimming Upstream
What is a Marine Protected Area?
25 Years of An Bord Pleanála
Alpha Taxonomy
Sponsoring the Environment
ESB Environmental Photography Awards 2001
Mapping the Future
Sherkin Island Marine Station Environmental Award
Medieval Dublin
A Salmon Farm and the Environment
Publications of Interest
The Dunes at Tramore
Summer at Glasnevin
Protecting Romania's Lost World
Captain Cockle and The Pond
Weathering the Storm
A Story of Courage from the RNLI
Seaweed Puzzles
Gold Venture Project to earn a Gold Award
Apple and Spice Baked Seafood Recipe from BIM
Learning to Fly Fish
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 31

pdf - No. 31 (2.8
- 60 Years of Pollution
Terns in Dublin Port
Nitrogen - the reluctant life saver
Dams & Fish - 2002
The False Men and the Maids of Bute
The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Ireland's Cold Water Coral Reefs
Importance of Taking a Tree Inventory
Changes to Ireland's Wildlife Act
Sea Breams in Irish Waters
The Angler on the Bridge
What's in a Laundry Detergent?
Wicklow Mountains National Park
Centre Pages: Wicklow Mountains National Park
Pristine Salmon Rivers of Kamchatka
The Wilted Greens
Honey Bees
Estuaries and Sea Level Rise
Publications of Interest
Butterflies in Ireland
"Branch Managers"
Why Conserve Wildlife?
Captain Cockle and The Pond
Around the World in 64 Day!
Launching the Lifeboats
Pathways Through Time
Pasta & Seafood, Cream and Fresh Herbs Recipe
The Work of a Hydrogeologist
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 30

pdf - No. 30 (2.6
- Dúchas - its Achilles Heel
Exploring the Irish Rhine
Free Radicals
County-wide Collections of Household Hazardous Waste
Urban Sprawl - Cursed Blessing of Economic Prowess
Forgotten Oil Spill: Lessons from the Land of Fire
Rocky Shore Survey
Ray Keary - Irish Seaman and Visionary
Youth Angling - the Way Forward
Designation of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones
The US Fisheries Observer Programme
Red Band-fish in Irish Waters
The Life of a Nature Photographer
Centre Pages: The Photography of Richard Mills
Plastic Shopping Bag Levy
The Common Frog
How Does an Estuary Work?
Publications of Interest
Dublin's Wild Flowers Revealed
My Father, the Naturalist
Captain Cockle and the Loch Ness Monster
Irish Energy Centre Energy Game
BIM Recipe
Puzzle Page
President's Awards
Sherkin Island Marine Station Competition for Primary School
Children in Munster 2001
Irish Records for Marine Fish
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 29

pdf - No. 29 (2.2
- Protecting Our Quality of Life
Ireland's Underworld
Alcohol - More than a Drink
Environmental Impacts of Fishing
Humpback Whales
Mute Swans
The Failure of Success
A Different View of the Skelligs
"Endangered Species"
A Brief Encounter with Fisheries Research and Development
Opah in Irish Waters
Waste Permitting System
Recent development at the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin
Centre Pages - National Botanic Gardens
Back from the Dead
Minister Acts to Clean Up our Waterways
The Long-living Fish of Alaska & British Columbia
The Rougheye rockfish - aged 205
Publications of Interest
Agriculture and the Phosphate Regulations
Travelling in Harmony
Aliens in Antarctica
Captain Cockle and the Loch Ness Monster
Get Splashed!
Irish Bats
Puzzle Page
Recipe from BIM
Climbing for Gold
Sherkin Island Marine Station Environmental Award 2000
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 28

pdf - No. 28 (1.7
Back to Nature
Robert F. Ruttledge - Doyen of Irish Ornithology
Cinderella Elements
Waste Licensing Report 1997-1999
The American Mink in Ireland
Drolain Point - Sherkin Island
Trespassers on Ostrova Viktoriya
Co-ordinated Local Aquaculture Management (CLAMS) in Kilkieran
Bay, South Connemara
The Use of Lime
Hatcheries - The High Price of Losing a Bet
Recording Ireland's Mossy Heritage
Stormwater - a film, a tidal wave, an urban myth?
A Passion for Plants
ESB Environmental Photography Awards
Estuaries and Ports - Fish needs in urban settings
To Dredge or not to Dredge
What's Wrong with Our Countryside?
Publications of Interest
Education and Training for Environmental Careers
Swordfish - Gladiators of the Sea
No Time to Lose - Facing the Future of Louisiana and the Crisis
of Coastal Land Loss
Sailing Ships of Ancient Ireland
Captain Cockle and the Loch Ness Monster
A Foxy Flower - puzzle page
Boxty Fish Cakes - BIM Recipe
Puzzle Page
President's Award - Presentation of Gold
RNLI's Storm Force News
Journey into Arcadia
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 27

pdf - No. 27 (2.7
Fisheries and Conservation
Sherkin Island's Horseshoe Harbour
Non-Indigenous Species Introduction
Colours of the Countryside
The Transformation of the Moy
Next Door to Nature
Special Areas of Conservation in Ireland
Nursing the Environment in a Desert Land
Some Special Flowers of the Seaside
Monster Conger Eels in Irish Waters
ESB Report Highlights Water Quality As Major Problem For Fisheries
Fish Farming & the Environment
Aran Islands - Exploring their Depths
Ireland's Seabed Survey - Revealing the Secrets of Ireland's
The Power of the Amateur Tradition
Can Ireland meet its emission targets?
Publications of Interest
Making a Wildlife Garden
Bray Head Seabirds
Monuments to Early Underground Resistance -
The Irish Souterrain
Junior Pages
Sherkin Island Marine Station 1975-2000
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 26

pdf - No. 26 (2.2
Water - Our Precious Resource
Why Bother about Antarctica?
Water Waste Reduction
The Problems of Water Stress
Breakfast in the Bronze Age
Ghost Story
The Shannon Estuary - A Marine Reserve for Bottlenose Dolphins
Black Guillemots
The Rural Housing Crisis
On the Wing on Sherkin Island
The Environment Agency of England and Wales
Saving the Meadows & Pastures
Glenstal and its Forest
Glenstal and its Forest (Centre Spread)
Chemistry Organised - The Periodic Table
Targeting Hormone Disruption
Lough Key Forest Park / Cong Wood
Turk Head - A Hidden Treasure
Ireland's Environment - A Millennium Report
Dredging, Science and Environmental Protection
My Father, the Naturalist - Prof. Louis P.W. Renouf
Publications of Interest
Junior Pages
Sherkin Island Marine Station Environmental Award 1999
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 25

pdf - No. 25 (2.1
Lack of Civic Pride
Keeping Records of the Past for the Future
Madam Dragonfly - a scientific Odyssey
Paying for Oil Spills: The North Cape
Salmon Without Rivers
Conference on Local Authority Statutory Environmental Performance
Delicious Wild Harvest
BirdWatch Ireland in Action
Overfishing: What is the Solution?
Having your cake and eating it
Planting for Colour
Weever Fish in Irish Waters
The Secret Lives of Monks and Megrims!
Wiping out the past
The Sharks of Beveridge Reef - Centre pages
A Naturalist with an Impossible Task
"Release your Millennium Salmon"
The Basking Shark
Publications of Interest
Junior Pages
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 24

pdf - No. 24 (3.4
One Rule for Moorepark - Another for Cape Clear
Crete's Floral Carpet
Molecules of the Left and Right
Environmental Enforcement: Beyond Penalties
The Howth Peninsula - A Guide to it's Wildlife Habitats
A Boost for Ireland's Inshore Fisheries
Environment Practice for Fish Farmers
The Return of a "Keystone Predator" in the North
ESB and its Role in Fisheries Management
My Father, the Naturalist
Using Wetlands to Clean the Environment
The Care and Conservation of Graveyards
Solutions to Leaking Home Heating Oil Systems
Necessity is the Mother of Inventions
Encounter in the Tuamotus
Birds, Beautiful Birds - Centre pages
Introduction to Sustainable Living
Wreckfish in Irish Waters
Church and the Environment
Dún an Rí Forest Park
The Right to Roam
Sherkin Island Marine Station Environmental Awards
Water Quality in Ireland 1995-1997
Publications of Interest
Junior Pages
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 23

pdf - No. 23 (2.4
Hedges in Ireland
Land Under the Sea
Investors with a Green Conscience
The Hottest Trends in Tyre Recycling
Environmental Impact Study
Whooper Swans
Recent EPA Reports
Power Shifts to Sport Fishing
New Land, Ancient Breeds
From Cod to Sharks
National Monuments & Historic Properties
Marine Litter
Tourism in the Modern Age
Hedge Management
Pollution by Nitrates
St. Croix Estuary Project
Chlorine - The Good & The Bad
Stephenstown Pond
When the Well Runs Dry
Trigger Happy in Irish Waters
Publications of Interest
Junior Pages
of Sherkin Comment - Issue No. 22
Can the Salmon Be King?
Rare & Unusual Fish in Irish Waters
Multi-Species Management - Fact or Fiction
Sea Empress
Minister Gilmore on the Salmon Report
A Brief Voyage to St. Kilda
Dublin City's Water Shortages
State of the Environment in Ireland Report by the EPA
The Cliffs of Moher
Sherkin's Wild Plants in Focus
Green Government Guide
Defence of the Realm
Medieval Cork
Kenyan Safaris
Who will be fishing in the 21st Century?
Ghost Dancer
Dept. of the Environment Publishes Operational Strategy
SOS Irish Bogs
Publications of Interest
Junior Pages
© Sherkin Island Marine
Station 2016