Wild Plants of Sherkin,
Cape Clear and adjacent Islands
of West Cork
new to the islands, rediscoveries
and significant extensions of known distribution.

John Akeroyd, Leander Wolstenholme & Jenna Poole
by Sherkin Island Marine Station, Sherkin Island, Co. Cork
36 pages. 246mm x 170mm. Softback. 2011
and the other islands of Roaringwater Bay, S.W. Cork, have
emerged as an area extraordinarily rich in wild plants
a significant hotspot of Irish botanical diversity. The Wild
Plants of Sherkin, Cape Clear and adjacent Islands of West
Cork, published in 1996 by Sherkin Island Marine Station,
recorded a total of 592 flowering plants, conifers, ferns
and stoneworts, including several plants new to the Irish
flora. Most of these plants, native and introduced, were recorded
since 1975 by botanists working at the Marine Station. In
the 15 years since, our Marine Station botanists have added
another 35 new plants to the flora, alongside a remarkable
number of major rediscoveries and important extensions of
known local and Irish distributions. Not only have these researchers
now refound almost all the botanical rarities that the famous
botanist Oleg Polunin had noted on Sherkin and other islands
in the late 1940, and added three other plants to the Irish
flora, but also they have tracked down several plants long
thought to be extinct.
The Supplement
shows how Sherkin and the adjacent islands in Roaringwater
Bay remain the botanically richest 10-kilometre square in
Ireland, with 14 Red-listed Irish species (although three
of them are unfortunately apparently extinct) and over 40
other significantly rare Irish plants.
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