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Sherkin Workshop 1990

"The Effects of Stocked Salmon and Cage Escapees on Resident Wild Salmon Stocks"


plus postage: Ireland - €2.60

(Please email for postage rate outside Ireland)

Workshop Participants:

John Browne, Inspector of Fisheries with Department of the Marine, Dublin, Ireland.

Tom Cross, Lecturer, Department of Zoology, University College Cork, Ireland.

Walter Crozier, Senior Scientific Officer, Aquatic Science Research Division, Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland.

Lars P. Hansen, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Trondheim, Norway.

James A. Lichatowich, Jamestown Kalallam Tribe, Sequim, Washington State, USA.

David Piggins, retired Director of the Salmon Research Trust of Ireland.

Ted Potter, Head of the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Group, MAFF, Director of Fisheries Research Lowestoft, UK.

Brian Riddell, Head of Salmon Production Studies, Biological Science Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.

David Shaughnessy, Manager, North Uist Estate, Outer Hebrides, Scotland.

Noel Wilkins, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Galway University, Galway, Ireland.




About the Workshop

Basis for the Workshop


Sources of Reared Fish

Areas of General Concern

Stock Inventory



Fish Farming


Report on the Norwegian meeting on impacts of aquaculture on wild stocks

Draft guidelines for developing advisory codes of practice to minimise threats to wild salmon stocks

© Sherkin Island Marine Station 2022