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9th International Conference 1993

"Incineration: The Issues"


plus postage: Ireland - €2.60

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Opening Address
Mr. Matt Murphy, Director, Sherkin Island Marine Station

"Materials and Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste in the United States"
Mr. Evan R. Liblit, Executive Director, Long Island Regional Recycling Cooperative, New York, USA.

"Operation of a Hazardous Waste Incinerator"
Mr. Barrie Hurley, Technical Manager, Cleanaway Limited, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, UK.

"Incineration of Sewage Waste"
Mr. Eamon Muhall, Senior Engineer, Process, Design and Development, WRc plc, Blagrove, Swindon, UK.

Address by the Minister of the Environment
Mr. Michael Smith, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Dublin, Ireland.

"Leachate Management at Incinerator Residual Landfills"
Mr. Ole Hjelmar, Water Quality Institute, Helsholm, Denmark.

"Environmental, Health and Safety Concerns Regarding U.S. Waste-to-Energy Proposals"
Mr. Gail Boyd, Principal, Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Portland, Oregon, USA.

"Waste Disposal in Ireland - What Future?"
Dr. Brian Leech, Inspector, Environment Division, Department of the Environment, Dublin, Ireland.

"Hospital Waste Incineration"
Mr. Andy Street, MRM Partnership, Consulting Engineers, Bristol, UK.

"Review of Incineration. Policy and Experience in Switzerland"
Dr. Daniel Chambaz, Federal Office of Environment, Forests & Landscape, Bern, Switzerland.

"Incineration - Case History from an Irish Company"
Mr. Ian McAuliffe, Manager Environmental Services, SmithKline Beecham (manufacturing) Ltd., Carrigaline, Co. Cork, Ireland.

Closing Address
Mr. Padraig Flynn, European Commissioner for Social Affairs and Employment, Brussels, Belgium.

Sherkin Island Marine Station Environmental Award 1993
Men and Women of the Parks Section of Cork Corporation

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