Sherkin Island
Report Here (11MB)
Blatchley, Ken Sandell & Chris Spurrier
the Marine Station was established at Sherkin Island in 1975
a lichen survey was undertaken as one of the range of studies
that were carried out by its volunteer biologists in that
year. Prior to that, the only records of lichens from the
island were from a herbarium collection and a few field observations
made by the Cork-based lichenologist Lilian Porter when she
was active in the area in the 1930s. Two further datasets
for lichens were produced by biologists working at the Marine
Station in 1986 and in 1999. 1986 also saw the creation of
a lichen collection which was incorporated into the Marine
Station's plant herbarium.
field visit to the island by the present authors was made
in August 2016 to further enhance the lichen information for
Sherkin and contribute some more recent records. As far as
we are aware there are no published accounts of the island's
lichens in the scientific literature apart from one brief
mention so this report aims to address the issue by drawing
together all existing data.
by Sherkin Island Marine Station
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© Sherkin Island Marine
Station 2017